A Step Closer to the Championship

. 30 May 2008
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(Boredom awaiting the Celtics-Pistons game spawns this post)

A standing ovation with a mere 5-point lead and nearly 2 minutes to play left in the 4th is perhaps jumping the gun. I'll admit, as a cynic, maybe my Lakers faith was stalled a bit. I'll admit I was scared of the Spurs. But the Spurs never came closer after that. And it was goodbye to the defending champs.

Deep down, I knew the Lakers would go on to win this one. They had to. Spurs feeling confident with a 17-point lead? Not in our home! The Lakers wanted the win, and they wanted it bad. Even Farmar stepped it up last night and turned on his game, scoring 8 points, including 3 consecutive baskets. And who else better than Sasha to seal an already-made deal with a 3-pointer at the buzzer? (I am told that my bias would not be in effect if he was on the opposing team, I would hate his guts. I am also told that he made a lot of Lakers gamblers very happy, increasing the point spread to over 5. But I know nothing about this, so I'll stop here. I'll consider it a preview of what's more to come from The Machine. I'm telling you, one of these days he's going to hit a game-winning 3 in the playoffs.) Congratulations to the Lakers for winning the Western Conference championship and moving on to the finals in perhaps one of the toughest conferences yet! Can you believe that just earlier this year, Mr. MVP himself was demanding a trade? Though we must be careful what we wish for, let's hope for a Lakers-Celtics rivalry resurrection to top off this fairytale story! If Kobe is the modern-day Magic, then who is Larry Bird? Is it even fair to make this analogy?

Before I get ahead of myself, Boston has to step on the fingers of Detriot as they struggle to hold on. But if the Celtics continue to follow in their pattern of playoff games this season, we might expect another game 6 loss and third 7-game series for Boston. Stay tuned.

On an end note, as a follow-up to my previous Sasha-inspired post, did you happen to catch that smack to babyface by Ginobili?

Sasha should've ripped Manu a new bald spot. Personally, I think he needs new methods (besides growing his hair long) in his intimidation efforts. I vote for tattoos.

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"There Can Only Be One" Possibilities

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Yao Ming and Yi Jianlin:

Ok, I'm Asian and not racist. But really, half Yao half Yi would be great. No matter what they're saying, I just would not be able to take it seriously. And if they throw in something like "fang pee" at the end, game over.

Sam Cassell and Dikembe Mutombo:

This would have a chance at being the most disgusting commercial ever. Half your tv screen would just go black and die, while your speakers would be spitting out jibberish beyond any worldly recognition. Deke's voice and Sam's face? Oh Lord.

Joey Crawford and Tim Duncan:

This could double as the cover for the Movie Faceoff. How crazy is Crawford for thinking he could take Tim Duncan?

Greg Oden and Michael Irvin:

Which one is older? These two seem to have been separated at birth. Really, there can only be one.

Drew (Jew the Raabi) Gooden and Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince:

Who has a more ridiculous beard? Could have a four way contest also staring Deshawn and Osama.

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Teams and Their Names

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San Diego Chargers. Memphis Grizzlies. Minnesota Wild. Houston Texans. What the hell is a charger and in how does it relate to SD? Are there really many grizzlies in Memphis? Wild... come on, with a bunch of millionaires sitting around, a better name couldn't come up? Like Wolverines or something ferocious or at least something related to hockey like Slapshots, Brawlers, or Broken Teeth or some bullcrap. What the hell is a Wild? Why name your team after an adjective? And Texans have seriously got to be joking. Of all the crap that comes out of Texas, you couldn't do something with Bandits and Outlaws and Sherrifs or Horses and Mustangs or oil or any of those old western refrences?

When fans see teams, they want to be able to be proud of something, they want to be able to associate. To be able to keep a random (and often times ridiculous) team name, you must at least be successful and thus recognizable by the name more than the city. So the Lakers(YEA WESTERN CONFERENCE CHAMPS) and Canadiens can stay, but a lot of teams really need to rethink some things.

I know many teams move around, and have thus kept the names they started with, but in all reality, what's the point of that? From what I know LA doesn't have too many clippers and isn't known really as a sailing town , so why name a team after something that really doesn't exist in the proximity? If the moving team was actually good, like if the Celtics moved to Detroit or like how the Lakers came to LA, then by all means keep strong with past success. But Utah Jazz and New Orleans Hornets? Please switch, or at least give New Orleans its name back. Neither of you have won anything big, so come on, stop confusing little kids and convincing them that Utah is much more upbeat than it really is. Have a name that makes more sense.

New Jersey Nets and Washington Capitals? Seriously, you couldn't think of ANYTHING else? And the Reds and Browns... Cincinnati and Cleveland have nothing more to offer than a freaking color? What the hell. I understand names of fictional beings or animals, though it seems out of laziness more than anything. Just because of the alliteration of Washington Wizards and Seattle Seahawks rolls off your tongue, it doesn't mean its cool.

And what exactly is a Phillie? Thats kinda cheap... like Having the Minnesota Minnies or Cincinnati Cincis.

So to all the franchises and any new possible ones to come please give more thought to a name, because to fans its so much more than just a word. As any diehard knows, a team can become a way of life. Give the fans something they can be proud of.

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I admit, I love "The Machine" as well

. 28 May 2008
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These guys are classic. You gotta love it when creativity and sports make love. What`s not to love about the Machine! My POOT my POOT!

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Why I Love Sasha Vujacic

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While I will agree that this is perhaps a predictable debut blog entry coming from me, I’ll spare you all the mushy details about how I first took notice of his oh-so-cute boyish good looks. This time, it’s about the talent, the talent that you could sense within him over these past few years that is finally blooming. It’s about the not-so-pesky little Slovenian you all love to hate. It’s about “The Machine!” Even as I am writing this, I can feel all the skepticism, but it’s time that I step up and defend my man once and for all.

Phil loves him, so you should too. If it’s anyone that has faith in Sasha, it’s Phil Jackson. So maybe he did refer to Sasha as “11 o’clock player.” But it is apparent that Jackson consistently puts his trust in him. As Sasha emerges as a reliable player, things are changing. He's confident. When the ball gets to Sasha, you can almost always expect he will shoot. And despite the occasional pleading for him not to take the shot, he's making a good amount of them. If he doesn't, it's okay, because you can just tell he knows he will make the next one. You need confident shooters. He gives 100% every time he steps out on the court in practice and 110% in games.

Defense. He’s everywhere. Even reputable players struggle with Sasha on guard, and I am convinced that, that is why they are forced to foul, and foul hard. Players get annoyed at Sasha because they see him as a little nuisance that, for some reason, they just can’t seem to get past. I will forever vow revenge on Carmelo for daring to intentionally choke poor little Sasha.

He’s “The Machine!” A nickname he did not, in fact, give himself, but rather, is called such for his amazing 3-point shooting abilities! This season Sasha shot 44% from the 3-point line. And if you can recall as well as I do, the games in which Sasha’s 3-point shot sealed the deal for a Lakers win: first back in 2005 in OT against the Jazz, Sasha put the Lakers in the lead making both free throws, then proceeded to secure the win with a 3-pointer. Last year again, against the Mavs, he not only shot his career high in points, but broke Dallas’ winning streak with a game-winning 3. Sasha has definitely saved the day before. And it’ll happen again – perhaps in these playoffs, he’ll have a chance to become the new Horry. Sasha can pull through when it matters the most.

The hair, the headband, the heart. With all of these components, Sasha is that player so loveable you can’t help but like. So he grew his hair to juxtapose his baby face. But he’s still cute. He wears a woman’s headband given to him by a Lakers girl. But he’s still cute. (And at least he doesn’t have to constantly slick his bangs to the side every time he goes to make a shot, i.e., Kyle Kutcher Korver.) That aside, Sasha brings the intensity to the court. The flame was always there, and now Sasha is on fire. Gradually he is becoming a valuable asset to the Lakers, a player not only looked to for comic relief, but as a necessity to the team. All in all, Sasha has proved to be able to get the job done when it counts. He'll continue to improve, and one day you will all embrace Sasha as a respectable NBA player with as much intensity as his bearhug "manhug" to Pau Gasol.

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Game 4: Final Moment

. 27 May 2008
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AP Photo

In game 4 of the Lakers-Spurs Western Conference Finals, the Lakers pulled out a victory by winning 93-91. However, with 2.1 seconds left to play, the San Antonio Spurs passed the ball into Brent Barry 30 feet straight away from the hoop. He put up a fake putting Derek Fisher into the air, on the way down he bumped into Brent Barry, who after receiving the contact, pivoted once and threw up a three pointer that stood no chance. After this contact, Brent Barry demanded for a foul call, he didn't get one.

Realistically, are NBA officials going to call that foul? No way. That alleged bump was extremely minimal and they are not going to determine the outcome of a game on such a touchy foul. Considering the pushing and shoving that occurs during inbound passes and the history of no-calls for buzzer beaters, this "foul" was actually, not a foul. It's not always right that the officials swallow their whistles at the end of games, but that's how it is. If you're going to win the game you're going to win it with a legitimate shot, not at the free throw line. But I wouldn't really expect Brent Barry to understand the difficulty of the buzzer beater, how many times has he really been put in that position? (And sorry Brent, 3 point shoot out doesn't count so you can c-walk your way back home)

And on another note, I am extremely disappointed in Derek Fisher's play throughout this series. He's been forcing impossible layups, taking irrational shots, and making bad defensive decisions. And on a last note, were you really trying to block Brent Barry?

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Letter to the Miami Heat fans

. 22 May 2008
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Dear Miami Heat fan,

All season long your pathetic team played horribly, 82 games and you won 15 games (good job Miami)? Either way, you endured a miserable NBA season, you need hope, you need change, you need someone to turn it around. No worries, the more losses you have, the better chance you will have to get the number one pick in the NBA draft. Congratulations on sucking.

By this time, you have one thing on your mind, "which college star is going to turn my team around?" For the first time since your season ended, you have hope- you might actually have a guy with talent on your team!

Draft lottery day finally comes around. You had the worst record in the NBA. You could not be happier. David Stern announces that the first overall pick in the NBA draft is going to a team that had over twice as many wins as you did. Silence. It is quite okay though, you get the second pick. And considering that the main two studs are Derrick Rose and Michael Beasley, you can't be blamed for making a poor draft choice.

Nonetheless, your team definitely needs help. You guys have one superstar, Dwyane Wade, but besides him you have absolutely no one. Yes, Shawn Marion is a fantasy basketball beast, but that doesn't mean he's good at basketball. Michael Beasley would definitely help, but trust me, you want Derrick Rose. You guys are desperate for a solid floor general, I know this because your point guards are Jason Williams and Marcus Banks, as a matter of fact, you guys even signed Smush Parker for a little while.

Shaquille O'Neal is getting fat in another city, Smush Parker isn't on your team, you're going to get either Beasley or Rose, and your players might stop being injured. As you can see, a lot of reasons to be hopeful. You're going to win 33 games next year!

Good luck!

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From Goliath to David

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In the past two decades, a change can be seen in the NBA landscape. The old blueprint for teams consisted of building around a big man and allowing him to anchor both offense and defense. Names like Mikan, Russell, Chamberlain, and Kareem come to mind when one pictures the champions of old. Even the 90s were filled with the likes of Shaq, Hakeem, Robinson, Ewing, Malone, and (though he wasn't as big, he played just as big) Barkley. To this day, the only player successfully built upon that wasn't primarily in the post was MJ.

Since the Mid-90s to the early 2000s however, the game started getting smaller, faster, and more guard oriented. The big names that began to appear were slashers with the names of Kobe, AI, and Lebron, as well as a little guy named Steve. More perimeter oriented than the superstars of old, a new brand of basketball emerged in the NBA. The post fundamentals became a thing of the past, proven by the fact that no matter how much he won, Tim Duncan has been branded as slow, methodical, and even boring.

Even with this faster pace, the big man is still regarded with the utmost importance; but to look at the big man of today is to understand that the definition has almost completely changed. The skill sets that made Wilt, Kareem, and Olajuwon who they were are completely different from what is seen in the play of Amare Stoudemire, Dirk Nowitzki, Kevin Garnett, and Rasheed Wallace. Though the defensive assignments are still similar to a point, that power and authority that came with the post of a true BIG MAN is gone.The low post bangers are now labeled "old school", as the NBA has even changed the rules in favor of the more fleet-footed ballers.

Why the change from what had been so effective for so long? Where have all the giants gone?

Well, the culprit in charge of the revolution is no other than Michael Jordan himself. Ever since His Airness sported those Nike's and did his thing, everyone has tried to emulate him. Look at KG and Amare with their crossover-into-fadeaway moves; had they followed the road paved by what now seems to be mythical NBA bigmen, they would be backing in for furious dunks or short hooks.

Of all the kids coming out in the 2008 NBA draft, how many top 15 prospects can you define as "true" bigmen? In regards to their styles of play, only Kevin Love, Brook Lopez, and possibly DeAndre Jordan come anywhere close. Even they, at best, are hybrids. The rest, regardless of size, play like guards; from Michael Beasley and Anthony Randolph to Donte Greene and Kosta Koufos, none are true bigs. Yea, they can rebound and maybe block a couple of shots, but their style? Nowhere near.

So no matter who turns out to be the top pick of the 2008 draft (no matter what team picks, it has to be Derrick Rose), the dying breed known as NBA Big Men are not to be resurrected.


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Reminiscing: Things I Miss About Basketball

. 20 May 2008
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The NBC theme song
This song was amazing. The melody set the stage for basketball, it pumped you up, it pumped up the commentators, and you were just ready to watch basketball.

Chicago Bulls Introduction
NBC loved to televise Chicago Bulls game, and before every game they would make sure they televised the Chicago Bulls introduction movie and song. I don't know what it is about the little movie with the bull, but I really liked watching it. I was really glad that they played the introduction movie for the Boston Celtics on ABC this year.

Player Introductions
ABC, TNT, ESPN, whichever, they don't like televising player introductions and I don't know why. It was always great on NBC when they introduced the position, college, and number of years in the league for each player. You were allowed to watch the players get introduced, which definitely added a personality aspect to the players. But nowadays, the networks show a little pop-up of the starting lineup and leave it as that, LAME. Let's bring in some character, yea? (Yeah I know, ABC did it in game 7 of the Boston Celtics vs. Cleveland Cavaliers game; maybe they heard me)

Player rivalries/fights
This is probably for the best, but I miss player rivalries. Nothing like Chris Paul vs. Deron Williams, but more like Kobe Bryant vs. Reggie Miller. Charles Barkley retaliating against Shaq. Anyone vs. Mr. 7'6" Bradley. I know fights look bad for the league, but c'mon now, a little extra fight never hurt basketball, it probably helped it (outside that Detroit fiasco). Sometimes I would watched Indiana Pacer games just to see Reggie Miller get into shit with someone.

Shawn Kemp
Sucks that he did drugs, but this man was out of control. He was what Terrell Owens and Chad Johnson are today in the NFL. He was skilled, talented, and he made sure that you knew it. He would slam it down every chance he got, and afterwards you would get a slam dunk celebration. This man had no fear, he would always try to slam it your face, try to embarrass you, and you know what, hell yeah baby, give me some more!

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Liveblogging: Lakers-Utah

. 16 May 2008
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Just as a disclaimer, I think the Lakers are going to win this one. And it is because I've been saying that it's over in 6 that I'm rooting for them to win. Otherwise I am completely unbiased. Now lets get on with it.

  • The Cavs-Celtics game finally ended! For those of you who dared question me when I said Cavs in 7 all I have to say is this is why I run a sports blog and you don't! Just kidding guys! I'm kind of scared about game 7, but I'm rooting for the Cavs all the way so that I can feel like a genius.
  • Lakers are starting the game really fast. This is a very nice change from the last Utah home games, where they would get lost on offense a lot.
  • I never noticed before but Carlos Boozer's free throws have some amazing arc. I wonder if he shoots a lot better now and days.
  • Man I can't get enough of this Laker offense, everything is so smooth.
  • Lakers now up 24-12. Uh oh Utah. Utah just keeps on taking fade-aways.
  • Man who else saw Pau almost lose the ball then pick it back up and try a little floater when vlad was wide open for a dunk. Give him the ball man! Vlad ended up tipping it in anyways. But still, where's the respect.
  • Hubie Brown just said Kobe is averaging 33-7-7. What?? I haven't been following stats but those are dominating numbers. They all came really quietly...Is that a good thing or a bad thing?? I think it really shows me that the Lakers have truly become a team now.
  • I can't wait for next year, when Vlad really gets integrated into the offense. This guy has a lot of potential, even though at times its really, really, really hard to see some times! But Phil agrees with me! He told me over lunch. That's why he's been starting Vlad for the last couple months.
  • 2nd quarter 11:40, Korver misses a three. Who would you rather have Vujacic or Korver??? Sasha hands-down!!
  • Did you know Sasha stole Vlad's nickname??? From wikipedia: "Was nicknamed "THE MACHINE" by Supersonics announcer Kevin Calabro, after his resemblance to NFL quarterback Joe Namath."
  • I know you guys saw Korver hit a 3 right after I picked Sasha. And I KNOW you saw SAsha hit one right after!! Thank you, thank you....
  • And there's Sasha taking it to the hole, 7pts!! 3 for 3 !!!
  • Who else thinks that live-blogging is weird. Am I supposed to comment on every single play??
  • Matt Harpring is being a little overly aggressive now while guarding Kobe. I hope no one gets into a fight tonight..... Who am i kidding!!
  • Derek Fisher cookie!!!!!!!!
  • Derek Fisher assisst!!!
  • Kobe dunk!!!
  • by the way, when is Kobe ever going to do a one-handed dunk... the last one must have been when he dunked over Steve Nash two years ago.
  • Lakers in 6?? What did I say??
  • Time-out now, finally. Lakers 50 - Utah 35. This liveblogging is so much work. I hope 50,000 people read this.

  • I just saw a commercial for the WNBA, featuring Candice Parker. I happened to watch the Women's final four with Tenessee. Anyone else?? I still cant believe the half time speech Pat Summit gave Candice Parker. She guilt tripped her into playing with her injury!
  • Utah is in a zone now.. zones work well against teams who can't shoot. Zones used to destroy the Lakers when they had Smush Parker. I will stop there.
  • Trevor Ariza is cleared to play??? Now they have a lockdown defender.. this will come in handy for them vs. the Spurs. Did I just? Yes I did.
  • What is C.J. miles doing...Deron Williams must want to kill him.
  • Derek Fisher cookie!!!!
  • Back to the man-to-man they go. What did I say. What did I say?? If you didn`t realize. I like being right, alot.

  • Back from halftime. First sequence for Utah, and Deron Williams pulls off one of the nicest passes I have seen this playoffs. I could have sworn it curved in the air.
  • Deron Williams is finally turning it on. But that and1 with 9:45 ish was a travel, undoubtedly. It's just questionable as to whether the foul or the travel came first.
  • On that note, I think Derek Fisher could beat up Deron Williams easily. Williams is pretty buff, but I think he has a pretty small frame. That's why he is so deceptively quick!
  • I think the Lakers will have the most efficient offense in the leauge next year. They might not score the most, but they're ridicuolously efficient.
  • I love Pau's intensity. And I love how his personality meshes with the Lakers. I would rather have him than Kevin Garnett.
  • Utah has been complaining all game about fouls. And by 3:25 left in the 3rd quarter they're even! I can't believe the fans were chanting "refs you suck! refs you suck!" I wonder if they put that on the jumbotron. Outrageous!!
  • with the hanging fade away at the end of the 3rd, Kobe Bryant is officially back. For a moment, Lebron and Chris Paul were the most exciting and most dominant. But today marks when Kobe officially returns. So many people would say Keving Garnett was the best player of the first half, Chris Paul the best of the second half and Kobe was number 2 throughout the year. So they gave the MVP to him for being consistently "2nd best." That's over and done with.
  • Man, there's a lot less to write about when the game is a blowout. If Kobe doesn't come back in during this time out (9 min left) then we've already seen the last of him for the conference semis.
  • Man, 9 point game! I spoke too soon. Kobe is back in, and Paul Milsap is a beast. He's 6'8 and 258. I didn't know they came that huge! Lebron James is listed as 6`8 and 240. Ron Artest: 6`7 , 246; Elton Brand 6`8 and
  • Matt Harpring is being outrageously physical. Kobe too, but I didn`t think they allowed this much contact anymore!
  • Kobe 3 pointer in Matt Harprings face around 4:50. In game 4 Kobe would have tried to do too much, too soon. But as I said at the end of the 3rd quarter. He is officially back.
  • These refs are loving the Lakers and these Jazz CANNOT miss. Mehmet okur is one of the clutchest big men I`ve ever seen.
  • Hate to say it but, Kobe Bryant got twin towered. By Kirilenko and Okur with 1min left. One of the best tandem blocks I`ve ever seen!
  • Sadly, all of these clutch Utah plays are far from enough.
  • AGAIN! Kirilenko! It makes no difference! But this must be fun as heck for Utah fans. At least for the next 15 seconds.
  • This is some horrible endof game defense by the Lakers. But again. 12 seconds until the end of Utah.
  • MY GOODNESS, Utah had 3 chances to tie the game with a 3 and make me eat my feet.

Well that`s the end! I`ll end by saying that I LOVE being right =). Till next time folks.

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Why you can and cannot hate Kobe Bryant

. 15 May 2008
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Kobe bashers can say all that you want, Lakers haters can say all that you want, but in the end, you're either a proud [enter team here] fan or a mere ignorant basketball observer (not a fan). There is no gray area in between.

I know. That was a pretty bold statement. But let's be real, if you don't like Kobe and you can't fit yourself into one of those two categories, you're just kidding yourself.

Firstly, if you are a fan of any other team in the NBA, you most likely despise Kobe. Why? He's not human-- he can shred any defense and drop 50 points in any given night. You hate that he has the most polished offensive game in the league; he will beat you off the dribble, in the post, shooting pull-up jumpers, 30' three-pointers, slashing, and anything and everything else in between. You hate that you can't stop him on offense and you cannot stand that he can suffocate your best offensive weapon on the defensive end. And you know what? That's a perfectly legitimate reason-- it is natural to hate the opposing team's skilled players. Why do you think people don’t give a hoot about the Memphis Grizzlies?

However, if your disdain for Kobe is not because of his ability to destroy any defense, you can hardly call yourself a basketball fan. I do admit, Kobe did not have the best track record off the court with all of his legal issues and highly publicized quarrels with his teammates. But has Kobe not changed and matured for the better? This 2007-08 season, Kobe passed, socialized with his team, credited his teammates for his success, openly involved his family, and done everything else to improve his team and himself. Kobe approached his personality like basketball; he took his weak points and elevated them to superstar levels.

Kobe Bryant has done everything in his power to become a better person and a better teammate; he is the NBA’s feel-good story waiting to be told. And despite all the haters denouncing his efforts and vilifying his name, Kobe keeps working, keeps improving, and keeps persevering. So ignorant people everywhere, continue talking, hating, heckling-- the MVP doesn’t hear you.

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Chris Paul actually went to college. Didn't learn any etiquette.

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Now, I know that Chris Paul is the next Isiah Thomas, Oscar Robertson, best point guard of his time and all of that. I hear it close to everyday thanks to all you bandwagon jumpers. I mean, guys come on, where was the love last year when he was strutting his stuff in Oklahoma City?? I know all you fantasy basketball players were right on the money with this guy. (This brings up an entirely different topic of how telling statistics really are. Because, if you followed Paul's statistics you could tell he was a star in the blooming.) Anyways, back to the main topic.

Chris Paul is so great, Chris Paul can have my babies, Chris Paul for MVP over Kobe Bryant (are you kidding me? Give me a break ESPN. Seriously.) I have one video clip that will make you rethink your love for Chris Paul 5 times over. One where Chris Paul deliberately punches another man's (Julius Hodge's) sensitive parts. Don't believe me? Then watch the video. Make sure you stay patient. It's a long clip.

And, for those of you who think "it was an accident!" or whatnot. Just know that the NCAA suspended him for his deliberate actions.

And on that note, if anyone should be loving Chris Paul right now it is Tony Parker. This intense competition between them has taught mon ami Tony how to assist. We already knew he was a top 5 finisher in the NBA. And believe it or not, Tony Parker is only 3 years older than Chris Paul.

Disclaimer: I actually really like Chris Paul, but it's always fun to play the contrarian. Cheers to years of a true rivalry between Paul and Parker.

And just for fun. Here's another questionable Chris Paul video.

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Lebron should go to college to learn manners

. 13 May 2008
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If anyone else was like me, you thought Lebron James was about to get into a fight with Paul Pierce and KG the moment Pierce took him down. Now replay?? Turns out he wanted to discipline his mom for trying to protect him! Now, I am no mother. And the closest I plan on being one is taking a number two later tonight if you know what I mean. But if I were, I would have slapped both Pierce and LBJ upside the head. Even though Lebron ended up winning the game, he gets no forgiveness!!

On a similar note, Cleveland in 7. And I've been saying this since they made the trade, thank you very much. More on why later.

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